Collective Action Review (CAR)

Promoting Reality's Understanding Through Rigorous Research

About Collective Action Review
Collective Action Review (CAR) is a leading journal that publishes high-quality theoretical and empirical research aimed at enhancing the understanding of collective action and decision-making impacts within and across societies. With a foundation in social sciences and an openness to diverse perspectives, CAR delivers valuable insights from fields such as economics, psychology, sociology, and beyond. Our articles contribute significantly to the discourse on collective action, offering tools for fostering knowledge and freedom.
Empowering Knowledge
Tools for Building Freedom

What's Collective Action? 

Collective action is a principle of inseparability of knowledge and relations, based on three symbiotically linked elements: duality (relativity, reports, relations), undecidability and generativity (Hatchuel 1997, 2002). Collective action cannot therefore be reduced to a reading of the totalizing relations between actors, nor even to a theory of interest or of the relationship between performance and the effectiveness of action. Our object of study therefore has a (scientific) principle of relativity and inseparability of knowledge and relations. What therefore constitutes the theoretical framework for the analysis of collective action is precisely this inseparability, this dualism which makes it possible to respond to the problematized enigmas of action.

High-Quality Research Publications

CAR publishes top-tier, peer-reviewed articles that significantly contribute to the understanding of collective action and its implications.

Multidisciplinary Approach

Our journal embraces a broad range of disciplines, including organization studies, economics, psychology, sociology, philosophy, history, and more, to provide comprehensive perspectives on collective action.

Global Perspective

CAR offers a comparative outlook with global reach, ensuring diverse and inclusive research contributions.

  • 99 Avenue Jean Baptiste Clément 93 430, Villetaneuse, France
  • CEPN – UMR 7234 CNRS-Université Paris 13 Université Paris 13 – Campus de Villetaneuse Tél. 33 (0)1 49 40 32 55 / 35 27

Submission guidelines

Paris, France - Submit your paper :
CAR disseminates high-quality research and engaged scholarship globally, and we are committed to diversity and inclusion in publishing. We encourage submissions and peer review from a diverse range of authors and reviewers from across all countries and backgroundseing offered by you and your company. is committed to upholding the integrity of the academic record. We encourage authors to refer to the Committee on Publication Ethics’ International Standards for Authors.

The Journal recommends that authors follow the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals formulated by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

Submit your paper :
CAR is an open access, peer-reviewed journal. All accepted articles are made freely available online immediately upon publication, are published under a Creative Commons license, and hosted online in perpetuity.
Your article must be within the scope of the journal and be of sufficient quality. If not, it will not be reviewed. Please read the journal’s Aims and Scope to see if your article is appropriate.
The manuscript must be your original work, you must have the rights to the work, and you must have obtained and be able to supply all necessary permissions for the reproduction of any copyright works not owned by you, including figures, illustrations, tables, lengthy quotations, or other material previously published elsewhere.
Accepted file types
The preferred format for your manuscript is Word. You do not need to follow a template, but please ensure your heading levels are clear, and the sections clearly defined.
The LaTeX files are also accepted.

Your manuscript’s title should be concise, descriptive, unambiguous, accurate, and reflect the precise contents of the manuscript. A descriptive title that includes the topic of the manuscript makes an article more findable in the major indexing services.
Please include an unstructured abstract of maximum 300 words between the title and main body of your manuscript that concisely states the purpose of the research, major findings, and conclusions. If your research includes clinical trials, the trial registry name and URL, and registration number must be included at the end of the abstract. Submissions that do not meet this requirement will not be considered.
For clinical trials, the trial registry name and URL, and registration number must be included at the end of the abstract.
Please include a minimum of 3-10 keywords, listed after the abstract. Keywords should be as specific as possible to the research topic.

Artwork, figures, and other graphics
For guidance on the preparation of illustrations, pictures, and graphs in electronic format.
Figures supplied in color will appear in color online.
Please ensure that you have obtained any necessary permission from copyright holders for reproducing any illustrations, tables, figures, or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere. For further information including guidance on fair dealing for criticism and review.

Title page
To ensure fair and anonymous peer review, your manuscript must be fully anonymized. Please ensure any identifying information is removed from the main manuscript document and included on the Title Page instead. Do not include any author names in the manuscript file name and remove names from headers and footers. This version of the manuscript will be sent to the peer reviewers. The Title Page will not be sent to peer reviewers.

The Title Page should include:
  • Article title
  • The full list of authors including names and affiliations of each 
    • The listed affiliation should be the institution where the research was conducted. If an author has moved to a new institution since completing the research, the new affiliation can be included in a note at the end of the manuscript – please indicate this on the title page.        
    • All persons eligible for authorship must be included at the time of submission (please see the authorship section for more information).
  • Contact information for the corresponding author: name, institutional address, phone, email

  • Acknowledgments section
  • Declaration of conflicting interest
  • Funding statement 
  • Ethical approval and informed consent statements 
  • Data availability statement
  • Any other identifying information related to the authors and/or their institutions, funders, approval committees, etc, that might compromise anonymity. 
If you are including an Acknowledgements section, this will be published at the end of your article. The Acknowledgments section should include all contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship.

Statements and declarations
To ensure proper anonymization, please include a section with the heading ‘Statements and Declarations’ on your title page, after the Acknowledgements section [and Author Contributions section if applicable] including each of the sub-headings listed below. If a declaration is not applicable to your submission, you must still include the heading and state ‘Not applicable’ underneath. Please note that you may be asked to justify why a declaration was not applicable to your submission by the Editorial Office. This information will be added to the end of your published paper.

               Data availability            
                               The Journal is committed to facilitating openness, transparency and reproducibility of research, and has the following research data sharing policy.
               Subject to appropriate ethical and legal considerations, authors are encouraged to:
  • Share your research data in a relevant public data repository
  • Include a data availability statement linking to your data. If it is not possible to share your data, use the statement to confirm why it cannot be shared.
  • Cite this data in your research
Reference style and citations
The journal follows the APA reference style.

Every in-text citation must have a corresponding citation in the reference list and vice versa. Corresponding citations must have identical spelling and year.
Authors should update any references to preprints when a peer reviewed version is made available, to cite the published research. Citations to preprints are otherwise discouraged.

Funding statement
All articles need to include a funding statement, under a separate heading, even if you did not receive funding.  

Declaration of conflicting interest
The journal requires a declaration of conflicting interests from all authors so that a statement can be included in your article.

If no conflict exists, your statement should read: ‘The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article’.
The initiative for the development of a controversies and conversations contribution may come from the editors, the journal’s editorial board, or through an informal proposal from authors to a member of the editorial team. On receiving such a proposal, the editorial team will evaluate the proposal and, if it is approved, will ask for a more formal proposal which describes the relevance, scope and contribution of the essays, including the different positions of the respective authors on the issue or topic and the proposed outcome of the conversation or debate.
Proposals for this section are received on a rolling basis, and can be formally submitted via the manuscript central system. When preparing a proposal, we advise authors to read previous examples of debates featured in the journal to get a good understanding of what is required.
If you are interested in sending us a proposal for organizing a special issue, then send us an email to this address:
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We are very said to live in a post-truth ans post realistic world. This journal wishes to give the right to respond. We wish to give voice to researchers who deal with reality with honesty and courage. The CARS’s editorial profile of journal is give the opportunity to describe the reality and respond to the reality. We are committed to understanding, denouncing and shedding light on the impact of decisions on the parties. This review first number aims to generate robust organization and social science theory that advances our understanding of the various ways through which collective action affect societal change and are shaped by other organizations, organizing, and the organized in building knowledge, opinions, business, politics, and society. Put differently, we aim to explore collective action in and through platform organizations in their societal context, as opposed to studies of collective action in a close system like organizations. CAR are open to paradigmatic plurality and multidisciplinary research, but each article must have a solid theoretical grounding and must strive to develop further the tradition to which it adheres. We are looking for papers that renew knowledge and also that question the relationships in our changing society. Papers that shed light on the dangerous phenomenon of transformations of the meaning of words. Research capable of deepening the relationship between responsibility and performance. We are open to a wide range of epistemologies, methods and expect empirical submissions to account for and motivate the approach chosen. We have a passion for ideas, open-minded intellectual curiosity, collegiate critique, and uncompromising adherence to the highest scholarly standards. We also want to give the right to disagree with the majority. We accept articles that push collective action theory forward through research that fully or partly draws on empirical data to research studies based on qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods. Further, CAR welcomes conceptual articles that develop theory without reliance on empirical data. Submit your paper :

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